Estudio de caso: Mitigación de los riesgos sanitarios en una instalación

Prevención y remediación microbiana para romper la cadena de infección

Datos rápidos

Servicios de Marsden

Cliente: Empresa de servicios financieros

Servicios de Marsden

Industria del cliente: Impresión y distribución

Servicios de Marsden

Ubicación: Pennsylvania

Servicios de Marsden

Servicios: Servicios de prevención y remediación microbiana

Servicios de Marsden

Service Area:
Over 50,000 sq ft

El problema

A financial services company specializing in printing and distributing promotional materials was concerned about the health of their employees during an infectious disease pandemic. The employees were not able to perform their work from home and as an essential service provider, the facility needed to remain open. Three employees had gone home sick within a 24-hour period and the client was concerned that an illness might spread throughout the facility occupants. In order to break the chain of infection and give employees confidence that they were working in a clean and healthy environment, the client required specialized disinfecting services. The client needed a service partner who had the agility to respond immediately, the experience to perform successful disinfection, the PPE and products on hand to complete the service, and a trained team available to perform the work quickly.

La solución

The client reached out to Marsden to see if we could perform immediate disinfecting services at their facility. Marsden’s Microbial Preventative and Remediation program is a proprietary and comprehensive disinfection program created by our internal experts and in accordance with recommendations from the Center for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration. In addition to our own expertise, we have partnered with external experts to refine and validate our program. To bolster our efforts to fight against infectious diseases, Marsden has engaged an environmental forensic consultant. Through our program, Marsden offers three levels of disinfecting services. Based on their needs, the client requested a Level 2 disinfecting service, which included touchpoint disinfecting, electrostatic fogging, and swab testing to confirm the environment had been properly disinfected. The client contacted Marsden at 9:30 pm on Friday night and knowing that the client required immediate services so that business operations would not be interrupted, Marsden had a crew of 14 people onsite by 6:30 am on Sunday morning. By 9:00 pm that night, the entire building had been cleaned and disinfected and swab testing had confirmed the facility met clearance standards. Marsden was able to complete these services quickly and according to quality standards because of our established process, proper protocol training, and expertise in microbial remediation. During service delivery, all team members were provided with the appropriate personal protective equipment to ensure their health and safety were prioritized.

Los resultados

A lo largo del proceso, Marsden se comunicó con el cliente para proporcionarle información actualizada y responder a sus preguntas. La flexibilidad de Marsden a la hora de responder a la solicitud del cliente garantizó que las instalaciones del cliente no tuvieran que cerrarse durante las horas de trabajo normales y que sus niveles de producción pudieran seguir siendo los mismos. El programa de limpieza y desinfección proporcionó al cliente y a sus empleados la confianza de que el entorno de sus instalaciones estaba desinfectado y que el riesgo de infección se había minimizado.


Nuestros servicios de remediación microbiana pudieron proporcionar al cliente los siguientes resultados clave:

Servicios de Marsden

Una instalación de más de 50.000 pies cuadrados fue limpiada y desinfectada en 15 horas

Servicios de Marsden

El cliente no perdió tiempo de producción y, por lo tanto, no sufrió pérdidas fiscales por el cierre de las producciones

Servicios de Marsden

Losempleados del cliente estaban tranquilos al volver a las instalaciones el lunes por la mañana, sabiendo que toda la instalación había sido desinfectada y que las pruebas habían confirmado que la desinfección superaba los niveles de autorización