Adeegyada Marsden

Adeegyada Marsden waxay ku faraxsan yihiin inay ku dhawaaqaan inaan ku biirnay lix urur oo kale oo qandaraasleyaal adeegga dhismaha ah (BSCs) si loo dhiso Isbahaysiga Nadiifinta ee Ameerika (CCA). CCA waxay matalaysaa oo u dooddaa baahiyaha shirkadaha nadiifinta ganacsiga iyo shaqaalahooda.

In the wake of infectious disease pandemics, the BSC industry has suffered a severe economic impact. Many facilities have shut down in response to stay-at-home initiatives and as a result, they have suspended facility services. These service suspensions have disrupted business operations and necessitated layoffs for many BSCs.  Accordingly, the CCA is asking the United States Congress and Administration to support targeted measures that will help ensure the continuity of BSCs’ business operations and ongoing employment for this essential workforce.

Si aad u akhrido wax badan oo ku saabsan ku lug lahaanshaha Marsden ee CCA, guji halkan si aad u hesho war-saxaafadeed. Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan Isbahaysiga Nadiifinta ee Ameerika, fadlan booqo .