Servicios de seguridad e investigación

Estrategias de seguridad para mantener un entorno seguro en las instalaciones.

Programación integral de seguridad

Maintaining a safe facility is one of the most important aspects of building operations. Building security impacts tenants, employees, and visitors. Having the right security program in place can help you respond to a crisis and prevent security incidents.

Marsden’s family of companies includes our professional security division, the St. Paul-based American Security & Investigations (ASI). Every day, we provide highly skilled security teams and advanced technology to secure and protect millions of square feet across the country.

Our comprehensive security solutions include uniformed guards, loss prevention specialists, and executive protection agents. We also offer investigative services, including due diligence, field investigations, and background checks.

Our technology features innovative remote guarding and flexible, cost effective, and scalable mobile solutions.

We also provide consulting services, including training programs, risk assessments, and workshops with security experts. All of our security programs are customizable and designed to suit any infrastructure. Let Marsden create a tailored security solution to always provide you peace of mind.

Tipos de propiedad

  • Oficinas corporativas

  • Infraestructuras críticas

  • Campus corporativos

  • Entornos sanitarios

  • Campus escolares

  • Instalaciones comunitarias y sin ánimo de lucro

  • Industrial

  • Oil and Gas

  • Airports


Our skilled security officers, loss prevention specialists, and executive protection agents receive training with proprietary programs and sophisticated support structures.


We offer due diligence, asset searches, field investigative research, executive protection security, insurance fraud investigations, and background screening through our investigative services team.


We provide innovative remote guarding and mobile applications that deliver flexible, cost-effective security surveillance. This scalable solution ensures you feel secure at all times.


Our subject matter experts provide corporate training options, including CPR/AED/First Aid, Emergency Procedures and Tenant Warden Training, Facility Risk Assessments, Workplace Violence Workshops, and more.

Custom Security Assessments and Strategies

Holistic security systems created by American Security are layered programs tailored to specific needs and integrated into a client’s risk management program. They include strategies such as threat identification, physical security, guard force, technology deployment, protocol development and implementation, and training.

Each component has a distinctive purpose and a cooperative role in the successful operation of the entire security apparatus. Our security teams work clients continuously, reviewing and revising methods and systems, empowering clients with knowledge and training, and providing them peace of mind that their valuable people and places are secure.

Our customized security program design process includes:

  • Incorporating field support personnel with trained, onsite security officers
  • Exploring building access, remote guarding technologies, and video to augment resources
  • Assessing site risk management and emergency preparedness plans

Servicios de seguridad

Uniformed officers, investigations, remote guarding, and consulting services to keep employees and clients safe.


  • Guardias uniformados para cualquier entorno

  • Guardias de seguridad de conserjería

  • Agentes de prevención de pérdidas

  • Agentes de protección de ejecutivos

  • Seguridad en eventos especiales para empresas

  • Seguridad en caso de huelga o conflicto laboral

  • Seguimiento del proceso de trabajo

  • Seguridad en las obras

  • Seguridad en ferias

  • Seguridad de los equipos


  • Investigación de activos

  • Búsqueda e investigación del historial crediticio

  • Investigación de antecedentes penales

  • Búsqueda de antecedentes de conducción

  • Investigaciones generales y diligencia debida

  • Protección personal

  • Rastreo de investigación de la Seguridad Social

  • Violencia en el lugar de trabajo


  • Soluciones de patrulla virtual

  • Servicios de vigilancia a distancia

  • Remolques de vídeo a distancia

  • Tecnologías de escaneo térmico

  • Servicios de supervisión del sistema de seguridad

    • Taladro de botón de pánico
    • Prueba de la cámara
    • Sistema de sonido en red
    • Luces y sistemas de bloqueo
    • Vigilancia de edificios


  • Formación corporativa sobre seguridad y protección

  • Mejores prácticas:

    • Gestión de emergencias/crisis
    • Seguridad de la información
    • Seguridad del personal y seguridad física
    • Políticas y procedimientos
    • Principios y prácticas de seguridad
    • Investigación en el lugar de trabajo
  • Planificación de la continuidad de la actividad

  • Gestión de proyectos

  • Planificación y diseño de la seguridad

  • Evaluaciones de seguridad y riesgos

  • Especificaciones

  • Preparación para emergencias/respuesta inicial/gestión de crisis