Throughout an infectious disease pandemic, businesses faced heightened challenges in keeping their businesses open and operating and their employees and customers safe. One positive impact of the global pandemic is the awareness and focus on proper workplace cleaning and disinfection practices. A good habka jeermiska-jeermiska should be a core part of your janitorial and commercial cleaning processes every day.
Consider these three foundational elements for commercial cleaning and janitorial service operations when disinfecting your workplace:
Planning, Process, and Procedures: To properly execute a program, you start with a plan, define the process, and create detailed procedures. Every plan begins with a thorough facility evaluation. During the assessment, identify, map, and consider all activities and requirements for each space, specifically noting surface types (hard surfaces, floors, fabrics, etc.), and activities (food prep, foot traffic, etc.). Be sure to document anything requiring specific processes or leading to a higher risk of contamination or the spread of germs, bacteria, or dirt. Your plan should then spell out the procedures and processes in detail. Every procedure should identify how to execute a cleaning or disinfection task, and when it should take place (i.e., hourly, daily, weekly, or urgent response).
Alaabooyinka: Waxaa jira badeecooyin badan oo loo isticmaalo nadiifinta ganacsiga iyo hawlaha adeegyada nadaafadda si ay jeermiska uga dilaan goobtaada shaqada. Alaabooyinka waxaa badanaa loogu talagalay hawlo gaar ah ama noocyada dusha sare. Waa inaad hubisaa in badeecad kasta oo aad soo iibsato ay ogolaatay EPA oo loogu talagalay shaqada loogu talagalay. U hubso inaad akhrido dhammaan tilmaamaha iyo taxaddarrada si aad u fahamto haddii aad u baahan tahay inaad xidhato PPE iyo haddii alaabtu u baahan tahay nadiifin ka hor codsiga ama haddii waqtiyo gaar ah oo xiriir ah loo baahan yahay si loo hubiyo in alaabtu si habboon u shaqeyso.
Dadka: Hirgelinta hababka saxda ah, hababka, iyo alaabta waa lama huraan, laakiin guushu waxay hoos ugu dhacdaa in si habboon loo tababaro oo la taageero dadka jeermi doona. Kooxda saxda ah ayaa sameyn doonta ama jebin doonta dadaalkaaga si ay u gaaraan yoolalka barnaamijka jeermiska.
If you have a large space with a variety of surfaces and multiple uses, your best option might be to seek support from a professional. You’ll want to find an experienced and proven expert that covers all CDC recommendations, uses EPA-registered chemicals, and follows best practices in managing, training, and supporting their staff. Marsden’s disinfection services can help you design a program that meets your needs and helps to keep your facility safe.