Adeegyada jeermiska

Helping our clients provide the healthiest facilities possible for their employees, tenants, and guests.

Break the Chain of Infection with Professional Disinfecting Services

Marsden’s Microbial Preventative and Remediation program is a standardized disinfecting program designed to break the chain of infection in facilities. This comprehensive program was developed in collaboration with the CDC, the WHO, and our disinfecting chemical suppliers to determine the appropriate response. As new diseases are identified and mutate, we work closely with these organizations and our suppliers to adjust our program as necessary.

Our disinfecting program helps reduce the likelihood of infection in the facilities we service. While no disinfecting program can guarantee a completely infection-free workplace, research shows that a thorough program can help break the chain of infection and mitigate risk. Our goal is to help clients minimize the impact of an epidemic in their facilities. Our program includes CDC-recommended practices along with Marsden’s unique processes. To meet each client’s specific needs, we offer different service based on the severity and prevalence of a disease.


  • Xakamaynta/ baabi'inta faafitaanka noolayaashan yar yar ee gudaha goobta shaqada
  • Maqnaanshaha oo yaraaday iyo maalmo jirro oo ku xiga saaxiibada
  • Abuur jawi shaqo oo caafimaad leh
  • Si macquul ah loo yareeyo khasaaraha maaliyadeed ee macmiilka sababtoo ah hoos u dhaca wax soo saarka asxaabta shaqada

Disinfecting Programs Designed for Your Environment

Every aspect of managing your facility services creates a safer, healthier, and more productive workplace. While an outbreak or threat of infection in the workplace can be alarming, we have proven methods to help you respond with disinfecting programs specifically designed for your environment and situation. We offer a full suite of disinfecting services that incorporate CDC recommendations, EPA-registered chemicals, best practices, and fully trained staff, giving you peace of mind that everything is being handled properly.

Infections occur in every workplace, and no disinfecting program can ensure that no illness will occur. However, Marsden has developed microbial remediation and disinfection programs based on research showing that disinfecting microorganisms from surfaces can help break the chain of infection and reduce infection risk. Whether you have a confirmed outbreak in your facility or want to ensure you are using proper preventative services, we can help you create a clean, healthy, and safe workplace.

Adeegyada jeermiska

Multi-level disinfection program, compliant with CDC & WHO providing the healthiest facilities possible.


  • Marsden waxay isticmaashaa jeermiska diwaan gashan EPA, darajada cusbitaalka si ay jeermiska uga saarto dhamaan meelaha taabashada ah sida uu farayo macmiilku. Meelaha taabashada caanka ah ee aan jeermis dili doono waxaa ka mid ah gacan-qabsiga albaabka, furayaasha iftiinka, biraha gacanta, saacadaha saacadaha, kiiboodhka/jiirka, mishiinada iibka, qasabadaha, telefoonada iyo sameecadaha, shaashadaha koobiga, iyo kursiyada gacanta.


  • Heerka 2 wuxuu isticmaalaa jeermis-dileyaal la mid ah iyo nadiifinta barta taabashada ee heerka 1, laakiin heerka 2 waxaa ku jira habka nadiifinta, jeermiska, iyo marka loo baahdo, ceeryaaminta korantada. Aagga oo dhan - ama dhismaha - waa la banneeyey oo wax kasta oo ka hooseeya heerka saqafka waa la jeermi-tiray iyadoo la raacayo habka soo socda: nadiifinta dhammaan sagxadaha qaybaha dhismaha iyo dhisidda hantida shakhsi ahaaneed; jeermiska dhammaan sagxadaha gudaha dhismaha/aagga iyo dhammaan hantida gaarka ah; keenista jeermiska jeermiska ceeryaamo elektrostatic ah ee sagxadaha gudaha haddii loo baahdo; Isticmaalka baaritaanka ATP si loo xaqiijiyo jeermiska; iyo u diritaanka natiijooyinka ATP dhaqtarka nadaafadda, kaasoo diyaariya warbixinta nadiifinta.


  • Jawaabta heerka 3-aad ee Marsden waxaa loogu talagalay tas-hiilaadka aan laga saari karin dadka deggan, sida tas-hiilaadka dadweynaha ama isbitaallada. Heerka 3, Marsden waxay isticmaashaa jeermis-dileyaal iyo habraacyo la mid ah heerka 2 iyadoo lagu daro dejinta aag haynta oo leh cadaadis xun iyo bixinta nadaafadda goobta si uu u sameeyo baaritaanka ATP iyo kormeerka.