Adeegyada Deegaanka

Xallinta adeegga ee xarumaha daryeelka caafimaadka kuwaas oo gacan ka geysta hagaajinta natiijooyinka bukaanka.

Clean, Safe, and Sanitized Healthcare Facilities for Positive Patient Experiences

Marsden Services provides environmental services that exceed regulatory requirements, while creating welcoming and caring environments for our clients and their patients.

Kooxdayadu waxay leeyihiin aqoon ballaadhan oo ku saabsan ilaalinta hawlaha aan caafimaadka ahayn ee deegaannada daryeelka caafimaadka. Waxaanu bixinaa xalalka daryeelka caafimaadka ee Maraykanka oo dhan, anagoo u adeegaya in ka badan 100 macaamiil daryeelka caafimaadka dalka oo dhan waxaanu leenahay faham qoto dheer oo ku saabsan u hogaansanaanta sharciyeynta xarumaha daryeelka caafimaadka.

Marsden has extensive experience designing and providing environmental services to our healthcare clients. We know a clean, sanitized facility is essential for a safe and healthy healthcare environment. Marsden’s services promote a positive experience for patients and staff.

Barnaamijyada Adeegga Daryeelka Caafimaadka

  • Adeegyada Deegaanka

  • Gaadiidka Bukaan-socodka

  • Nadiifinta dhamaadka (AORN)

  • BioMed

  • Soo kabashada Aafooyinka

  • Adeegyada Gaarka ah

Our Environmental Services Standards Exceed Regulatory Requirements

Our enterprise provides services to hundreds of healthcare clients nationwide every day, from private practice settings and MOB’s to hospitals and surgical centers. We follow evidence-based competencies and exceed the standards for AHA regulatory compliance to ensure we deliver the experience our healthcare clients need from their environmental services partner.

Marsden structures our healthcare solutions program to meet the American Hospital Association’s CHESP (Certified Healthcare Environmental Services Professional) program standards. Our healthcare solutions team consists of highly trained and experienced individuals, including leadership team members with Certified Healthcare Environmental Services Technician (CHEST) and Certified Surgical Cleaning Technician (CSCT) associates.

We use our knowledge and experience in providing environmental services, housekeeping, and special services to design quality control standards to meet or exceed regulatory requirements. Our quality standards also support your initiatives to drive optimal patient outcomes. We developed a specialized training protocol for our associates who provide environmental and housekeeping services in healthcare settings. The training gives associates the details they need on specific forms of careful management and quality assurance inspection processes.

This has resulted in our award-winning approach, ensuring we deliver services exceeding AHA regulations and inspection standards. Marsden was awarded a “Supplier of Distinction” Award from Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) in 2019 for our healthcare solution services innovations. The “Innovation” award recognized Marsden’s environmental services program on behalf of one of the largest healthcare services providers in the country.

Related Case Studies

An environmental services associate cleans a healthcare facility as part of a tailored healthcare program to meet the hospital's needs and achieve desired outcomes

Daraasadda Kiis: Noqoshada lammaane daryeel caafimaad la aamini karo

Marsden’s CHESP-certified healthcare operations team collaborated with the hospital’s facility managers to create an effective healthcare-specific janitorial program.

An environmental services associate cleans medical equipment as part of a comprehensive healthcare solution that meets the stringent healthcare operational requirements

Daraasadda Kiis: U Hogaansanaanta Wadista ee Deegaanka EVS

Marsden’s environmental services meet healthcare operations’ strict requirements with innovative methods that ensure compliance and improve patient outcomes.

Technician wearing personal protective equipment performing analysis of swab testing to confirm a commercial environment had been properly disinfected

Daraasadda Kiis: Yaraynta Khatarta Caafimaadka ee Xarunta

Marsden’s cleaning and disinfection program assured the client and its employees that their facility was disinfected, and the risk of infection was minimized.


  • Barnaamijka xalinta daryeelka caafimaadka ee Marsden waxaa lagu qaabeeyey jaangooyooyinka barnaamijka Xirfadlaha Adeegyada Deegaanka ee Daryeelka Caafimaadka Shahaadsan ee Ururka Cisbitaalka Mareykanka (CHESP). Kooxdayada xalinta daryeelka caafimaadku waxay ka kooban yihiin shaqsiyaad aad u tababaran oo khibrad leh, oo ay ku jiraan Farsamo-yaqaanka Adeegyada Deegaanka ee Daryeelka Caafimaadka ee Shahaadaysan ( CHEST ) iyo farsamoyaqaannada Nadiifinta Qalliinka ee Shahaadaysan ( CSCT ).


  • Heerarkayaga xakamaynta tayada waxaa loogu talagalay inay buuxiyaan shuruudaha sharciyeynta oo ay u horseedaan natiijooyinka bukaanka. Iyada oo loo marayo maarayn taxaddar leh, hubinta tayada tayada, iyo tababarka, waxaan hubineynaa in dhammaan la-hawlgalayaasha ay si buuxda ugu diyaar garoobeen bixinta adeegyada ka sarreeya xeerarka AHA iyo heerarka kormeerka.


  • Marsden waxaa lagu abaalmariyay Abaalmarinta "Subplier of Distinction" oo ka timid Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) sanadka 2019 hal-abuurnimadayada adeegyada xalinta daryeelka caafimaadka. Abaalmarinta "Innovation" waxay aqoonsatay barnaamijka adeegyada deegaanka ee Marsden iyadoo ka wakiil ah mid ka mid ah bixiyeyaasha adeegyada daryeelka caafimaadka ee ugu weyn dalka.