Marsden CleanAir Waxaa ku shaqeeya PuriFi
Marsden CleanAir Waxaa ku shaqeeya PuriFi
Nadiifinta hawadu waa tallaabo muhiim ah oo lagu abuurayo deegaan ka nadiifsan, badbaado badan, caafimaad leh.
Nidaamka Marsden CleanAir, tignoolajiyada kacdoonka ee ay ku shaqeyso PuriFi Labs, waxaa loogu talagalay in si badbaado leh loo joojiyo cudur-sidaha halista ah iyo qayb ka mid ah hawada xaruntaada.
Adeegyada Hawada Nadiif ah
Demonstrated by third-party independent lab testing, Marsden CleanAir deactivates 99.994% of tested allergens, bacteria and viruses, and other infectious diseases.
The Marsden CleanAir System is the only air purification system that combines 24/7 monitoring and tracking with automation and the convenience of central air purification. The CleanAir system works responsively with existing HVAC systems to manage indoor air quality. When particulate levels become unacceptable level, a sensor activates the Marsden CleanAir generator installed in the HVAC air duct system. The generator uses ionization, similar to natural ionization, by introducing an excess of negative ions into the system airflow, reducing odors, particulates and harmful pollutants. These high-energy oxygen ions cluster particulates together allowing existing air filters to capture microscopic particles that would normally pass through the system and recirculate into the workplace.
For the latest scientific test results and lab reports, visit: