
One of our greatest assets as a company is through our acquisitions, which foster a sense of entrepreneurship and dedication to local clients. We have completed over 50 acquisitions in the past 50 years.

50 Acquisitions in 50 Years

Waxaan aaminsanahay shuraako, ma aha wax kala iibsiga. Waxaan aqoonsaneynaa shirkadaha wadaaga qiyamkayaga asaasiga ah iyo sida ay uga go'an tahay heer sare. Marsden waxaa ka go'an inay ganacsi u sameyso si anshax iyo heer sare leh. Waxaan xiisaynaynaa kaliya inaan ganacsi la samayno kuwa kale ee wadaaga qiyamkaas. Ma helno ama ma doonno inaan helno shirkad kasta oo aan si isku mid ah uga go'an inay ku shaqeyso daacadnimo.

Markaan helno iibiye ku habboon qiyamkayaga, waxaan la wadaagnaa iyaga si aan u gaarno muddada dheer, guusha wadajirka ah inta lagu jiro habka iibsiga. Waxaan la shaqaynaa iibiyeyaasha si aan u aqoonsano yoolalkooda, baahiyahooda, iyo tooda oo aan abuurno qorshe la habeeyey oo u oggolaanaya labada shirkadood inay ka faa'iidaystaan.

  • 1976: Amniga Mareykanka
  • 1990: Koonfur-galbeed Adeegyada
  • 1992: Dayactirka Dhismaha Waxtarka leh
  • 1995: Dayactirka Dhismaha Donovan
  • 2000: CleanPower
  • 2005: Adeegyada Scioto, Daryeelayaasha Dayactirka Dhismaha, Tilmaamaha Jantorial, Martin Security, Adeegyada Dhismaha Jannada
  • 2006: Qandaraaslayaasha Dayactirka Qaranka
  • 2007: Final taabashada, Adeegga Dhismaha Haynes, Janus Security, Mansfield Janitorial, Rex Clean, Nadiifinta Qoraxda, Khabiirada Adeegga Farsamada
  • 2008: Palen Kimball, Nadiifinta Daaqadda Al
  • 2012: Nidaamyada CBM
  • 2014: Adeegyada Dhismaha Toos ah, Adeegyada Dhismaha Fidelity, Crystal Nadiif ee Waqooyiga, Noble Hawada, Adeegyada Ganacsiga ee Nord
  • 2015: Nadiifinta Roog Cas, Adeegyada Macluumaadka Heartland, Adeegyada Dhismaha ee Leone, Makaanikada Qorraxda
  • 2016: HBS National
  • 2017: Adeegyada Winans, Warshadaha M4E, Nadiifinta JL
  • 2018: Cilmi-baarista Qabashada
  • 2019: KAS Nadiifinta Gaarka ah, Nadiifinta Qandaraaska Tooska ah
  • 2020: Adeegga Dhismaha Caledonia, Amniga Premier
  • 2021: Adeegga Dhismaha Xoriyadda, Nadiifinta Ganacsiga ee Pro-Serv
  • 2022: Hudson Services, Signature Mechanical, Alpha and Omega Building Services
  • 2024: HUB Enterprises, Feldkamp Enterprises, MetalCraft, Cambridge Security (Orlando and Fort Myers accounts)

Xidhiidhka Helitaanka

A Testimonial from Rich Lyons, Former President of Pro-Serv Commercial Cleaning, Inc.

“Pro-Serv Commercial Cleaning has served the Metro-Phoenix market for over 28 years. My partner and I lived the business with our heart and soul. Candidly, we love the business. When we decided it was time for us to sell, we wanted to find a company built from the ground up like ours and not comprised of a bunch of heartless suits with calculators.

We had our eyes on Marsden for several years before reaching out to them. I was (and even more now) impressed with Guy Mingo (President and CEO) and how he started as a cleaner years back, worked his way to the top, and built Marsden into what it is today. As well, Marsden was already in our metro-Phoenix market. Once we called Tom Kruse (Chief Development Officer) and opened the dialogue, things went quickly. Everything that we agreed to was honored. Once our agreement was signed, we never once had to pull out the contract. Once we closed, Marsden held true and let us run the company through the earnout and provided support. The biggest hurdle my partner and I faced was letting go of our baby, and Marsden understood.”

Testimonial from Jacob Hughes, Director of Operations at American Security & Investigations