Privacy Policy for California Residents
Information Technology
Last Revised: 1/1/2023
The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”), as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA”), gives California consumers specific additional rights to any personal information collected, processed, and held by Marsden and its affiliates (collectively, “Marsden”).
This Privacy Policy for California Consumers (“California Privacy Policy”) applies solely to all natural persons who reside in the State of California (“consumers” or “you”) and supplements the information contained in Marsden’s Privacy Policy. The purpose of this California Privacy Policy is to provide California consumers (including those employed by Marsden or its affiliates) with a comprehensive description of our practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and retention of personal information in compliance with the CCPA/CPRA. Marsden does not “sell” or “share” your personal information within the meaning of the CCPA/CPRA. Any terms defined in the CCPA/CPRA have the same meaning when used in this Policy.
Xog Aruurinta
We collect “personal information” as that term is defined in the CCPA/CPRA, which is information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household (“personal information”).
Macluumaadka shakhsiyeed kuma jiraan:
- Macluumaadka guud ee laga heli karo diiwaannada dawladda.
- Lawfully obtained, truthful information that is a matter of public concern.
- Macluumad la aqoonsaday ama la isku daray.
- Information excluded from the CCPA/CPRA’s scope, like personal information covered by certain sector-specific privacy laws, including the Federal Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA).
Gaar ahaan, waxaanu ka soo ururinay macaamiisha qaybaha soo socda macluumaadka shakhsiyeed ee laba iyo tobankii (12) bilood ee u dambeeyay:
Qaybta | Tusaalooyinka | La ururiyay |
A. Tilmaamayaasha | A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, Social Security number, driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers. | HAA |
B. Qaybaha macluumaadka shakhsi ahaaneed ee ku taxan Xeerka Diiwaanka Macmiilka California (Cal. Xeerka Civ. § 1798.80(e)). | A name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver’s license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information. Some personal information included in this category may overlap with other categories. | HAA |
C. Sifooyinka kala soocida la ilaaliyo ee hoos yimaada sharciga California ama federaalka. | Age (40 years or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, veteran or military status. | HAA |
D. Macluumaadka ganacsiga. | Diiwaanada hantida shakhsi ahaaneed, alaabada ama adeegyada la iibsaday, la helay, ama la tixgeliyey, ama iibsashada ama isticmaalka kale ee taariikhda ama rabitaannada. | HAA |
E. Xogta biometric. | Hidde, jir, dabeecad, iyo sifooyin bayooloji, ama qaababka dhaqdhaqaaqa loo isticmaalo in lagu soo saaro tusaale ama tilmaame kale ama aqoonsiga xogta, sida, faraha, sawir-qaadista, iyo cod-qaadista, iris ama sawir-qaadista isha, furaha, socodka, ama qaababka kale ee jirka, iyo hurdada, caafimaadka, ama xogta jimicsiga. | MAYA |
F. Internetka ama hawlaha kale ee shabakadaha la midka ah. | Taariikhda wax raadinta, taariikhda raadinta, macluumaadka ku saabsan la dhexgalka macaamilka ee mareegaha, codsiga, ama xayaysiinta. | HAA |
G. Xogta deegaanka. | Goobta jirka ama dhaqdhaqaaqa. | HAA |
H. Xogta Dareenka. | Maqal, elektaroonig, muuqaal, kulayl, udgoon, ama macluumaad la mid ah. | MAYA |
I. Macluumaadka xirfadlaha ama shaqada la xiriira. | Professional or employment-related information, such as work history, prior employer, human resources data, and data necessary for administering benefits and related administrative services. | HAA |
J. Macluumaadka waxbarashada aan dawliga ahayn (sida uu dhigayo Xeerka Xuquuqda Waxbarashada Qoyska iyo Qarsoodiga (20 USC Section 1232g, 34 CFR Part 99)). | Diiwaanada waxbarashada ee sida tooska ah ula xidhiidha arday ay hayso machad waxbarasho ama koox matalaysa, sida darajooyinka, qoraalada, liisaska fasalka, jadwalka ardayda, codes aqoonsiga ardayga, macluumaadka dhaqaalaha ardayga, ama diiwaanka edbinta ardayga. | HAA |
K. Fikradaha laga soo qaatay macluumaadka kale ee gaarka ah. | Profile reflecting a person’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes. | HAA |
Sensitive Personal Information
We may also collect sensitive personal information as defined by the CPRA, which is a subset of personal information that requires greater security protections and standards of care in handling (“sensitive personal information”). We collect sensitive personal information for human resources, employment, benefits administration, health and safety, and business-related purposes and to be in legal compliance.
Below are the categories of sensitive personal information that we have collected about consumers in the previous twelve months:
- Personal information that reveals a consumer’s social security, driver’s license, state identification card, or passport number.
- Personal Information that reveals a consumer’s racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership.
- Personal information collected and analyzed concerning a consumer’s health.
How Personal Information is Collected
We collect most personal information directly from you via this Website, our business relationship, or in connection with your employment by Marsden or its affiliates. We may also collect personal information from the following categories of sources:
- Indirectly from you. For example, from observing your actions on our Website through the use of cookies and third-party data analytics providers.
- Our information technology (IT) systems.
- From government entities and publicly-accessible sources.
- Directly from a third party for background check purposes.
- Consultants and other professionals and services providers we may engage in relation to your employment, with your consent.
The Purposes for Which Personal Information Is Collected
Marsden collects the personal information for one or more of the following purposes:
- Si aad u buuxiso ama u buuxiso sababta aad xogta u bixisay. Tusaale ahaan, haddii aad la wadaagto magacaaga iyo macluumaadkaaga xidhiidhka si aad u codsato qiimo dhimis ama aad waydiiso su'aal ku saabsan alaabtayada ama adeegyadayada, waxaanu isticmaali doonaa macluumaadkaas shakhsi ahaaneed si aan uga jawaabno su'aalahaaga. Haddii aad bixiso macluumaadkaaga khaaska ah si aad u iibsato badeecad ama adeeg, waxaanu u isticmaali doonaa macluumaadkaas si aanu uga baaraandegno lacag bixintaada oo aanu u fududeyno bixinta. Waxa kale oo laga yaabaa inaan kaydinno macluumaadkaaga si aan u fududeyno dalabaadka cusub ama ugu adeegida akoonkaaga.
- Si loo bixiyo, taageero, shakhsiyeeyo, oo loo horumariyo Mareegtayada, alaabta, iyo adeegyada.
- Si aad uga baaraandegto codsiyadaada, iibsashada, wax kala iibsiga, iyo lacag bixinta oo looga hortago khiyaanada wax kala iibsiga.
- Si aan ku siino taageero iyo in aan ka jawaabno su'aalahaaga, oo ay ku jiraan in aan baarno oo aan wax ka qabanno walaacyadaada iyo la socoshada iyo hagaajinta jawaabahayada.
- Si aad u shakhsiyayso waayo-aragnimadaada Mareegta iyo si aad u bixiso nuxurka iyo alaabta iyo adeegyada la xidhiidha danahaaga, oo ay ku jiraan soo jeedinta iyo xayaysiisyada la beegsanayo iyada oo loo marayo mareegahayaga, boggaga saddexaad, iyo iimayl ama fariin qoraal ah (ogolaansho, haddii sharcigu u baahan yahay).
- Si aan gacan uga geysanno ilaalinta badbaadada, amniga, iyo sharafta mareegahayaga, alaabada iyo adeegyada, xog ururinta iyo hantida tignoolajiyada kale, iyo ganacsiga.
- Imtixaanka, cilmi-baarista, falanqaynta, iyo horumarinta alaabta, oo ay ku jiraan horumarinta iyo horumarinta Website-ka, alaabta, iyo adeegyada.
- Si looga jawaabo codsiyada fulinta sharciga iyo sida uu rabo sharciga khuseeya, amar maxkamadeed, ama qawaaniinta dawlada.
- As described to you when collecting your personal information or as otherwise set forth in the CCPA/CPRA.
- Si loo qiimeeyo ama loo sameeyo isku-dhafka, kala-duwanaanshaha, dib-u-habaynta, dib-u-habaynta, kala-diridda, ama iibinta kale ama wareejinta qaar ama dhammaan hantidayada, hadday tahay walaac socda ama qayb ka mid ah kicinta, daadinta, ama dacwad la mid ah, kaas oo lagu hayo macluumaadka shakhsiyeed anaga oo ku saabsan isticmaalayaasha Mareegahayaga ayaa ka mid ah hantida la wareejiyay.
In addition, if you are employed by Marsden or its affiliates, we may collect your personal information for one or more of the following purposes:
- Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
- Recruit and evaluate job applicants and candidates for employment.
- Conduct background checks.
- Manage your employment relationship with us, including for:
- Onboarding processes;
- Timekeeping, payroll, and expense report administration;
- Employee benefits administration;
- Employee training and development requirements;
- The creation, maintenance, and security of your online employee account(s);
- Reaching your emergency contacts when needed, such as when you are not reachable or are injured or ill;
- Workers’ compensation claims management;
- Employee job performance, including goals and performance reviews, promotions, discipline, and termination;
- Other human resources purposes;
- Manage and monitor employee access to company facilities, equipment, and systems.
- Conduct internal audits and workplace investigations.
- Investigate and enforce compliance with and the potential breaches of company policies and procedures.
- Engage in corporate transactions requiring review of employee records, such as evaluating potential mergers and acquisitions of the Company.
- Maintain commercial insurance policies and coverages, including for workers’ compensation and other liability insurance.
- Perform workforce analytics, data analytics, and benchmarking.
- Administer and maintain the company’s operations, including for safety purposes.
- For client marketing purposes.
- Exercise or defend the legal rights of the Company and its employees, affiliates, customers, contractors, and/or agents.
Disclosure of Personal Information
Marsden has not “sold” or “shared” consumers’ personal information within the meaning of the CCPA/CPRA in the preceding twelve (12) months.
We may disclose your personal information to Marsden affiliates or a service provider for a business purpose such as human resources, employment, benefits administration, health and safety, legal compliance, and other business-related purposes (described more fully above). In the preceding twelve (12) months, we have disclosed personal information for a business purpose to the categories of third parties indicated in the chart below.
Categories of Personal Information | Categories of Third Parties |
J: Aqoonsayaasha | Bixiyeyaasha adeegga, xiriirada, shuraakada, waalidka ama shirkadaha hoos yimaada, bixiyeyaasha falanqaynta xogta, iyo qaataha xogta buskudka internetka (tusaale, Google Analytics). |
B: Diiwaanka Macmiilka California qaybaha macluumaadka shakhsi ahaaneed. | Bixiyeyaasha adeegga, xiriirada, shuraakada, waalidka ama shirkadaha hoos yimaada, bixiyeyaasha falanqaynta xogta, iyo qaataha xogta buskudka internetka (tusaale, Google Analytics). |
C: Sifooyinka kala soocida la ilaaliyo ee hoos yimaada sharciga California ama federaalka. | Bixiyeyaasha adeegga, xiriirada, shuraakada, waalidka ama shirkadaha hoos yimaada, iyo bixiyeyaasha xogta falanqaynta. |
D: Macluumaadka ganacsiga. | Bixiyeyaasha adeegga, xiriirada, shuraakada, waalidka ama shirkadaha hoos yimaada, bixiyeyaasha falanqaynta xogta, iyo qaataha xogta buskudka internetka (tusaale, Google Analytics). |
E: Macluumaadka biometric | Lama ururin |
F: Internetka ama hawlaha kale ee shabakadaha la midka ah. | Bixiyeyaasha adeegga, xiriirada, shuraakada, waalidka ama shirkadaha hoos yimaada, bixiyeyaasha falanqaynta xogta, iyo qaataha xogta buskudka internetka (tusaale, Google Analytics). |
G: Xogta deegaanka | Lama ururin |
H: Xogta dareenka. | Lama ururin |
I: Macluumad xirfadeed ama shaqo la xiriirta. | Bixiyeyaasha adeegga, xiriirada, shuraakada, waalidka ama shirkadaha hoos yimaada, iyo bixiyeyaasha xogta falanqaynta. |
J: Macluumaadka waxbarashada aan dawliga ahayn. | Bixiyeyaasha adeegga, xiriirada, shuraakada, waalidka ama shirkadaha hoos yimaada, iyo bixiyeyaasha xogta falanqaynta. |
K: Fikradaha laga soo qaatay macluumaadka kale ee gaarka ah. | Bixiyeyaasha adeegga, xiriirada, shuraakada, waalidka ama shirkadaha hoos yimaada, bixiyeyaasha falanqaynta xogta, iyo qaataha xogta buskudka internetka (tusaale, Google Analytics). |
Your Rights
The CCPA/CPRA provides California consumers with specific rights regarding their personal information. This section describes your CCPA/CPRA rights and explains how to exercise those rights.
Right to Know
Waxa aad xaq u leedahay in aad codsato in aanu ku siino macluumaadka qaarkood ee ku saabsan ururintayada iyo isticmaalka macluumaadkaaga khaaska ah 12 bilood ee la soo dhaafay ("xaqa in la ogaado") Marka aan helno codsigaaga oo aan xaqiijino aqoonsigaaga (eeg Jimicsiga Xuquuqdaada si aad u ogaato ama u tirtirto), waxaan ku tusi doonaa:
- Qaybaha macluumaadka shakhsiyeed ee aanu ka soo uruurinay adiga.
- Qaybaha ilaha xogta gaarka ah ee aanu ka soo uruurinay adiga.
- Ganacsigayaga ama ujeedadayada ganacsi ee ururinta macluumaadkaas shakhsi ahaaneed.
- Qaybaha dhinacyada saddexaad ee aan la wadaagno macluumaadkaas shakhsiyeed.
- Qaybaha gaarka ah ee macluumaadka shakhsiyeed ee aanu ka soo aruurinay adiga (sidoo kale loo yaqaan codsiga qaadida xogta).
Xaqa in la tirtiro
You have the right to request that we delete any of your personal information that we collected from you and retained, subject to certain exceptions (the “right to delete”). Once we receive your request and confirm your identity (see Exercising Your Rights to Know or Delete), we will review your request to see if an exception allowing us to retain the information applies. We may deny your deletion request if retaining the information is necessary for us or our service provider(s) to:
- Dhameystir macaamilka aan u aruurinay macluumaadka shakhsiyeed, bixino adeeg ama adeeg aad codsatay, qaad talaabooyin macquul ah oo la filayo gudaha macnaha guud ee xiriirka ganacsi ee socda adiga, oofi shuruudaha dammaanadda qoran ama soo celinta badeecada ee lagu sameeyay si waafaqsan federaalka sharci, ama haddii kale fulin heshiiskayaga adiga.
- Help to ensure security and integrity to the extent the use of your personal information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for those purpose.
- Ka saar alaabta si aad u aqoonsato oo u dayactirto khaladaadka wax u dhimaya shaqaynta la damacsan yahay.
- Samee xorriyadda hadalka, hubi xaqa macaamilka kale u leeyahay inuu isticmaalo xuquuqdooda hadalka xorta ah, ama isticmaalo xuquuq kale oo uu sharcigu siinayo.
- U hoggaansamo Xeerka Qarsoonaanta Isgaarsiinta Elektarooniga ee California (Cal. Xeerka Ciqaabta § 1546 seq. ).
- Ka qayb-qaado cilmi-baadhis cilmiyeed, taariikheed, ama tirokoob oo dadweyne ama asaageed dib loo eegay ee danta guud ee u hoggaansama dhammaan anshaxa iyo sharciyada kale ee gaarka ah, marka tirtirka macluumaadka ay u badan tahay inay keento mid aan suuro-gal ahayn ama si daran u wiiqi karo guusha cilmi-baarista, haddii aad hore u bixisay oggolaansho xog ogaal ah. .
- U oggolow isticmaalka gudaha oo keliya ee si macquul ah ula jaan qaadaya filashada macaamilka ee ku salaysan xidhiidhka aad nala leedahay.
- U hoggaansamo waajibaad sharci ah.
- U samee isticmaal kale oo gudaha ah oo xalaal ah macluumaadkaas oo ku habboon macnaha guud ee aad ku siisay.
Waanu tirtiri doonaa ama kala saari doonaa macluumaadka gaarka ah ee aan ku xidhnayn mid ka mid ah kuwan ka reeban diiwaanadayada waxaanan ku tilmaami doonaa adeeg bixiyayaashayada inay qaadaan tillaabo la mid ah.
Right to Opt-Out
We do not “sell” or “share” your personal information within the meaning of the CCPA/CPRA.
Right to Correct
You have the right to request that we correct inaccurate personal information that we maintain about you, taking into account the nature of the personal information and the purposes of the processing of the personal information. Upon verifying your request to correct inaccurate personal information, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct the inaccurate personal information as directed.
Right to Limit Use and Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information
We do not use or disclose your sensitive personal information for purposes other than those specified in California Civil Code § 1798.121 and § 7027(m) of the implementing regulations.
Exercising Your Rights
To exercise your rights described above, please submit a request by either:
- Emailing us at
- Visiting /privacy/ccpa-requests/
- California employees of Marsden or its affiliates may contact the Human Resources Department.
In submitting a request, please provide your name, e-mail address, phone number, and address for verification purposes. If the request is submitted on your behalf by an authorized agent, please provide a signed written authorization.
Except as described in this policy or provided under applicable privacy laws, there is no charge to exercise of your legal rights. In compliance with the CCPA/CPRA, we will disclose and deliver the required information, correct inaccurate personal information, and/or delete personal information (subject to any applicable exceptions) within forty-five days of receiving a verifiable request. We may extend the forty-five day time period by an additional forty-five days when reasonably necessary and after first providing notice of such extension.
Takoor la'aan
We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your CCPA/CPRA rights. Unless permitted by the CCPA/CPRA, we will not:
- Ku diidi alaab ama adeeg
- Ku dalaco qiimayaal kala duwan ama qiimayaal badeecado ama adeegyo ah, oo ay ku jiraan bixinta qiimo dhimis ama faa'iidooyin kale, ama ganaaxyo lagu soo rogo.
- Ku siinaya alaab ama adeegyo tayo ama heer ka duwan.
- Soo jeedi in aad heli karto qiimo ka duwan ama qiima ka duwan alaabta ama adeegyada ama heer ka duwan ama tayada alaabta ama adeegyada.
Isbeddellada Siyaasaddayada Qarsoonnimada
Waxaan xaq u leenahay inaan wax ka bedelno ogeysiiskan sirta ah go'aankeena iyo wakhti kasta. Marka aan isbeddel ku samayno ogeysiiskan siraha ah, waxaanu ku dhejin doonaa ogeysiiska la cusboonaysiiyay mareegaha waxaanan cusbooneysiin doonaa taariikhda dhaqangalka ee ogeysiiska. Isticmaalkaaga joogtada ah ee mareegahayaga ka dib dhajinta isbeddelada ayaa ka dhigan aqbalaada isbeddeladaas .
Macluumaadka xiriirka
If you have any questions or comments about this notice, the ways in which Marsden and its affiliates collect and use your personal information described here and in the Privacy Policy, your choices and rights regarding such use, or wish to exercise your rights under California law, or need access to this California Privacy Policy in an alternative format due to having a disability, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
Cinwaanka :
Adeegyada Marsden
Attn: Qarsoodi
2124 Jaamacadda Ave.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104