Marsden Blog
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3 Considerations for Industrial Facility Services Floor Care
Facility services are a daunting task. Hundreds of daily tasks require your attention, and often multiple teams and operating schedules. Your employees, tenants, and guests count on you to keep your industrial facility safe, clean, healthy, and operating efficiently. Managing an industrial facility adds a unique set of considerations. From janitorial services and security to mechanical services, and equipment maintenance, your team has to think and operate [...]
5 Steps to Improve Indoor Air Quality, Productivity, and Facility Performance
There's been a lot of discussion in facility services leadership circles about the importance of indoor air quality. The pandemic elevated awareness of the transmission of airborne contagions. Thus, putting a heightened focus on indoor air quality in facility services and its role in creating a safe and healthy environment. Indoor air has more contaminants and pollutants than what we breathe outdoors, and the [...]
Four Steps To Ensure Your Facility is Ready for Winter Weather
Facility managers across the US face substantial challenges if they are not adequately preparing for winter conditions. Dramatic temperature drops create conditions that can cause catastrophic damage to your facility and negatively affect the facility budget and the performance of your core facility operating systems. You should have a plan to address the impact of winter conditions, both inside and out. Preparation should [...]
4 Steps for Sustainability in Facility Services
Over the past decade, environmental sustainability has continued to become a focus in nearly every industry as individuals and businesses increasingly focus on safeguarding the environment. Leaders in property and facility services are also seeking to adopt environmentally friendly and sustainable management practices without sacrificing quality or negatively impacting their facility operating costs. Fortunately, technological advancements, management practices, and cleaning products are evolving to provide [...]
Miyaad Garanaysaa Faa'iidooyinka Dayactirka Ka Hortagga ah ee Adeegyada Xaruntaada?
One of the considerations when managing a facility is looking for ways to extend the lifespan of your investments. Predictive and preventative maintenance programs provide facility managers with critical data and information that can help to prevent issues and costly emergency situations. Preventative maintenance strategies support greater facility utilization, building security, air quality, and overall facility operating efficiency. With the right mix of data [...]
Talooyin si aad ugu diyaargarowdo Xaruntaada Gudaha iyo Dibadaba
Summer is when many people take vacations and enjoy the warm weather. But if you are responsible for facility services, you know summer also means unique building conditions to consider. Now is the time to prepare and look at performing preventative maintenance to increase the longevity of your critical systems and keep your employees and tenants comfortable, happy, and safe. As temperatures begin [...]
Sida Loo Isticmaalo Robots, AI, Falanqaynta, iyo Dareemayaasha si loo wado Hufnaanta
Technology is at the forefront of every industry and sector, and facility services are no different. Everyone from business owners and facility managers are integrating technology into their business model. Yet, despite the explosion and growth of connected devices and technology, research shows facility managers still spend most of their time on day-to-day tactical tasks. Here are some practical applications and technologies you [...]
4 Siyaabood oo Xaruntaadu Saameyn ugu Yeelato Ka Qaybgalka Shaqaalaha
As facilities reopen and companies seek to draw employees back to the workplace, how employees feel about their work environment will be crucial. The employee experience is influenced by job satisfaction and company culture, but employees also report the role their physical environment impacts their sense of engagement. Facility managers can play a crucial part in creating a positive employee experience. A facility [...]
Xaruntaadu diyaar ma u tahay miiska kulaylka?
Open floor plans, hybrid, and remote work cultures are changing how the modern workplace operates. While these trends were gaining traction before the onset of infectious disease outbreaks, pandemics accelerated and, in some cases, mandated their adoption. A new trend, "hot desking," is becoming a staple of the modern post-Covid workplace. Hot desking is an alternative approach to physical office space management that [...]
4 Dhaqamada EVS ee muhiimka ah si loo horumariyo natiijooyinka bukaanka
In a healthcare setting, cleanliness is more than just a matter of aesthetics. The cleaning and disinfecting methods have a direct impact on patient health and if done improperly, can result in exposure to significant health risks. The cleanliness of a healthcare setting can also impact the patient experience and satisfaction. Over the past two years, there is no doubt that the importance [...]
4 tillaabooyinka lagu Abuurayo Goob Shaqo Isku-dhafan oo Caafimaad qabta
During the first phases of the pandemic, employers everywhere sent staff home to stay safe and work remotely if possible. As 2022 begins, many companies are preparing to return to the office, but new infectious disease variants and continued pandemic concerns have led many business leaders to pivot to hybrid workplace models. In a hybrid workspace, facilities see a consistent flux of [...]
4 Talooyin Si aad u Diyaariso Xaruntaada Xilliga Jiilaalka
Winter weather can cause a variety of problems for facility and property managers. The drop in temperatures and other winter conditions can put a strain on your facility, which can ultimately damage your building, cause safety issues, or create an uncomfortable environment for your staff. Your facility should be prepared to combat harsh winds, chilly conditions, heavy snowfall, and the impact of ice [...]