4 tillaabooyinka lagu Abuurayo Goob Shaqo Isku-dhafan oo Caafimaad qabtaDuring the first phases of the pandemic, employers everywhere sent staff home to stay safe and work remotely if possible. As 2022 begins, many companies are preparing to return to the office, but new infectious disease variants and continued pandemic concerns have led many business leaders to pivot to hybrid workplace models.

In a hybrid workspace, facilities see a consistent flux of people coming and going with varying schedules. The result is an ebb and flow of facility density. In a hybrid workspace, employees often come to the office for collaborative work, meaning the increased use of meeting spaces. All these shifts will require business owners and facility managers to think differently, evaluating cleaning protocols to restore confidence among employees. Cleaning practices weren’t a major priority to employees pre-Covid; however, a recent study by the Cleaning Coalition of America (CCA) showed that 66% of U.S. workers find it exceedingly critical now.

Waa kuwan sida loogu diyaargaroobo goobtaada shaqo ee isku-dhafka ah ee cusub:

Kordhi meel bannaan oo Hagaajin Qorshayaasha Dhulka

Maareeyayaasha xaruntu waa inay dib uga fikiraan kala dheeraynta miiska iyo qaababka socodka cagta si ay u taageeraan ku soo laabashada shaqada. Beeraha cube ee cidhiidhiga ah, miisaska la wadaago, iyo qorshayaasha sagxada aadka loo xidhay hadda ma sii socon karaan, maadaama ay khatar badan u abuurayaan faafitaanka fayraska ee u dhexeeya asxaabta. CDC waxay ku talinaysaa in la kordhiyo kala dheeraynta iyo in la isticmaalo qaybo ama gaashaanka caaga ah inta u dhaxaysa miisaska iyo hagaajinta socodka taraafikada cagta si loogu ogolaado fogeynta bulshada ee ugu yaraan 6 fiit inta u dhaxaysa shaqaalaha.

Ku dar Saldhigyada Fayadhowrka

One effective way of dealing with the spread of the virus that causes infectious disease is proper sanitation. Regularly washing hands with soap and running water or using alcohol-based sanitizers significantly reduces the spread of the virus. Facility managers should consider placing sanitation stations at strategic locations such as restrooms, break rooms, conference rooms, kitchens, and near elevators to encourage employees to grasp the habit of cleaning their hands.

La xidhiidh Qorshayaasha Shaqaalaha

Each facility and business is unique, which means what works in one hybrid workspace might not work in another. When developing your own hybrid model, consider things such as meeting protocols, mask policies, facility access schedules, response to a suspected or confirmed infectious disease case, and the volume of people your facility can hold while maintaining the necessary social distancing standards. Develop a system that makes sense for your business needs and your workspace and then communicate it clearly and often with your employees. Clear and consistent communication with employees is essential to minimize the spread of a virus. Educating employees on what they can do to help maintain a clean and healthy workplace will help to instill confidence and reduce the spread of the virus.

Hagaajin inta jeer ee iyo qoto dheer ee nadiifinta

Marka loo eego cilmi-baarista CCA , 62% shaqaaluhu waxay dareemaan ammaan markay arkaan nadiifinta ganacsiga iyo xirfadlayaasha nadaafadda si joogto ah goobtooda shaqada. Bakteeriyada iyo fayrasyadu waxay ku soo degi karaan dusha sare, halkaasoo ay ku noolaan karaan saacado iyo xitaa maalmo. CDC waxay ku talinaysaa in la sameeyo nidaam nadiifin iyo jeermis dile si loo yareeyo khatarta caabuqa. Inkasta oo taraafikada cagtu ay ku kala duwanaan doonto goobaha shaqada ee isku-dhafka ah ee ay dadku imanayaan ama imanayaan, haddana waa muhiim in la ilaaliyo dhaqamada nadiifinta iyo jeermiska. Maamulayaasha xaruntu waa inay tixgeliyaan borotokoollada gaarka ah si ay wax uga qabtaan meelaha la wadaago, sida qolalka shirarka, qolalka nasashada, musqulaha, iyo qalabka xafiiska. Dusha sare ee nadiifinta dusha maalinlaha ah, goobta shaqada ee badbaadada iyo nadiifka ah waxay u baahan tahay nadiifin qoto dheer oo joogto ah. Adeegga Marsden waxa uu bixiyaa ka-hortag iyo barnaamij dib-u-habayn dhamaystiran oo ay ku jiraan wax kasta laga bilaabo jeermis-dilista barta taabasho ilaa baadhista ATP ee uu dib u eego nadiifiyaha wershadaha.

Ilaalinta goob shaqo oo caafimaad qabta ayaa aad uga muhimsan sidii hore. Maamulayaasha xaruntu waxay tixgelin karaan inay qandaraas la galaan xirfadlayaasha adeegyada xarunta sida Adeegyada Marsden si ay uga caawiyaan maaraynta caqabadaha gaarka ah ee abuurista goob shaqo oo isku-dhafan oo nadiif ah, badbaado leh, caafimaad qabta.