SI DEG DEG AH Oktoober 1, 2015 .

MARSDEN waxa ay heshay kooxda baadhista Heartland .

Shirkad fadhigeedu yahay Minneapolis waxay ku dartay qoto dheer oo baadhiseed .

St. Paul, MN, October 1, 2015 – Marsden Holding, LLC announced the acquisition of Minneapolis-based Heartland Investigative Group. With over 3500 clients throughout the United States, Heartland will seamlessly integrate with Marsden’s national footprint. Hundreds of banks, law firms, and corporate clients are serviced by Heartland’s 100 employees.

"Maamulaha Heartland Paul Jaeb wuxuu dhisay mid ka mid ah shirkadaha baaritaanka ee ugu horreeya dalka. Hoggaamintiisa warshadaha waxaa ka mid ah laba xilli oo ah Agaasimaha Fulinta ee Ururka Baarayaasha Sharciga ee Qaranka, iyo dhowr jagooyin hoggaamineed oo kale. Waa hogaamiye la aqoonsan yahay oo si qoto dheer ugu kordhin doona qaybtayada Amniga Maraykanka,” ayuu yidhi Guy Mingo oo ah maamulaha guud.

Since 2002 Marsden Holding, LLC has acquired 30 companies, creating one of the nation’s largest privately held facility services firms. Acquiring local firms with deep regional relationships has allowed Marsden to maintain client satisfaction – and add the efficiencies of a national leader. Heartland adds a significant skill set that will benefit Marsden clients throughout the U.S.

"Waan ku faraxsanahay inaan u keenno adeegyo badan oo dadaal iyo baaris ah macaamiisha Marsden. Muddo 25 sano ah waxaan siinay macaamiisheenna adeegyo muhiim ah waxaanan rajeyneynaa inaan la shaqeyno la-hawlgalayaashayada cusub," ayuu yiri maamulaha guud Paul Jaeb.

Marsden Holding, LLC is a privately held provider of integrated facility services. Headquartered in St. Paul, MN since 1952, the firm employs over 10,000 employees throughout the United States.