Firfircoonida, xawaaraha, iyo jawaab celinta degdega ah waxay noqdeen lama huraan si loo ilaaliyo nadiif, badbaado, iyo jawi caafimaad leh goobta shaqada. Faafida ayaa sii wadata inay u soo bandhigto caqabadaha shirkadaha nadiifinta ganacsiga ee adduunka oo dhan. BSCAI waxay dooratay inay iftiimiso dadaalka geesinimada leh ee safka hore ee nadaafadda nadaafadda iyo ganacsiga ee Shirkeeda Guusha Qandaraaska ee 2021 ee Las Vegas. Waxay aqoonsadeen kuwa inta badan aan la aqoonsanin iyagoo soo bandhigaya Abaalmarinta Madaxweynaha ee Isbahaysiga Nadiifinta ee Ameerika (CCA) , oo ah urur warshadeed oo hormuud ah oo matalaya asxaabta nadaafadda iyo ganacsiga.

The award celebrates and acknowledges the CCA’s contributions to the professional cleaning industry amid an infectious disease pandemic and its leadership in promoting healthy and safe workplaces. The award also recognizes the effort of Marsden Services and other founding member companies in the CCA. Every day, the associates of Marsden and the other founding companies of the CCA actively promote and implement advanced protocols to help reduce the spread and potential of infectious disease outbreaks.

In an unprecedented collaboration, the CCA member companies quickly came together in response to the pandemic. The member companies bring leadership and collective industry expertise on environmental hygiene, infectious disease management, and a broad range of cleaning and facility services processes. The CCA’s leadership and its members are continually developing response plans to support property managers and businesses of all sizes so they can stay open and operating while also ensuring the health and safety of their employees and customers. These efforts have been essential in supporting the nation’s economic recovery.

Mid ka mid ah tusaalaha hoggaanka CCA iyo iskaashiga waa warbixinta Oktoobar 2021, Nadiifinta Slate: Tusaha Dib-u-furitaanka ee Ganacsiyada New York. Warbixintu waxay qeexaysaa talooyinka ku saabsan sida ganacsiyadu u ilaalin karaan goobaha shaqada ee badbaadada iyo caafimaadka leh si ay uga caawiyaan yaraynta faafitaanka fayrasyada iyo cudur-sidaha kale ee caadiga ah ee xanuunsada malaayiin dad ah waxayna shirkadaha ku kacaan $225 bilyan khasaaraha wax soo saarka sannad kasta. Warbixintu waxay cadaysay su'aalaha muhiimka ah ee maareeyayaasha hantida iyo milkiilayaasha ganacsiyadu ay u baahan yihiin inay tixgeliyaan oo ay qeexaan hababka ugu fiican ee nadiifinta, jeermiska-jeermiska, iyo xidhiidhka shaqaalaha. Waxa kale oo ay wax ka qabataa tixgalinta muhiimka ah ee qiimaynta iyo ilaalinta tayada hawada iyo borotokoolka tijaabinta si loo hubiyo in dusha sare ay buuxiyaan heerarka nadiifinta lagama maarmaanka ah oo kor loogu qaado goobaha shaqada ee caafimaadka leh.  

Building service contractors and their employees have provided essential services during the pandemic, and the BSCAI’s 2021 President’s Award recognizes the important work the CCA has done to champion and support these efforts. As we enter the heart of the flu and cold season, the CDC and other public health organizations warn that Omicron and different variants of the Coronavirus will continue to emerge. 2022 will undoubtedly be a year where the CCA, its member companies, and their associates on the frontline will play a critical role in driving our economy by creating cleaner, safer, and healthier environments for us all.